Here we go. We made it to the hospital. I had to get blood test on Thursday June 9th. My wife and I went back to the apartment. Surprised to us the apartment was decent. The next day, Friday June 10th I had to get an MRI at 8 am. There were a few more test I had to take. They admitted me that day even though my surgery was Monday the 13th.
We were told the surgery would take between 5 and 8 hours. My wife stayed at the apartment. They would call her every hour to keep her updated. After 6 hours the surgery was done. My wife was waiting for me to come back to my room. She told me I was hooked up to all kinds of machines.

We were told a couple days in ICU, a couple days in a lower grade of ICU (can't remember what is was called). I would be out in about a week. Well, that didn't happen. Of course, complications had to arise.
Now this part is from my wife's view and the staff. On day 3 my eyes did not open. The doctors would come in a check me over. No signs of waking up. They would come in to stimulate me. No reaction. My wife would talk to me and hold my hand no reaction. They took me back into surgery to see if they hit or missed something, but everything seemed fine. Still my eyes would not open. They took me back in for the 3rd time to see if there was fluid on the brain. There wasn't much but they still put a drain tube in the top of my head, just in case.

Drain for fluid
A week has gone by, and I still haven't opened my eyes. My wife had to go back home. Our daughter was pregnant, and she needed special care. She had problems with her last pregnancy but at that time we hadn't a clue what was wrong. Her first child was born at 27 weeks, now we know it was pre-eclampsia. So, she was under special care for this baby.
My wife came down twice a week. It took 2 hours each way. So, she was driving 4 hours plus staying here with me from 11 am until 7 pm. I am sure it was hard for her.
She also called down here and talked to the nurse in charge of me. But there was no change in my condition. Later I was told that there was a big concern not just from my wife, but the doctors as well. Two weeks later, my wife got a call in the evening and was told that I finally woke up. But of course, complications came up. Somehow my right eye got scratched. Now it is swollen, and it hurts terrible. They still had me on a breathing machine. They took the feeding tube out of my nose and put a new one in called a pic. They had to surgically go through my side into my stomach. That is the only way I could get nutrition.

Pic for feeding tube