~ My Job ~
My job is very important to me. It has been a long time since I have had a job. Everyone wanted younger help. But as the employers realized the younger generation wasn't as dependable as the older generation. So, I was hired as a Dairy Clerk at Kroger's. Although it has been a while since I worked, my body was real sore especially my feet. I tried almost all the inserts. Changed type of shoe and so on. I worked through the pain and kept on going.
I did find out I had Gout. Thank goodness there was an answer about something. I was put on medication for that. Then I decided to get my ingrown toenails removed. That helped with a lot of my foot pain.
Five years later, at Kroger, I was transferred to 3rd shift. It was great. But as I was working, I noticed certain things going on with me. Hearing, eye site, vertigo, numbness in my face. I had a real hard time driving. I shouldn't have been driving at all. I was losing my focus.
I did go to a hearing doctor, vision doctor and my family doctor. No one could figure out what was wrong. I had High blood pressure, Diabetes, arthritis, and a few more problems. But my dizziness, off balance, eye site and numbness seemed to be getting worse. I went to my family doctor again, who found me a neurologist and I had an MRI. I thought it was an aneurism because I recently found out they run in my mom's side of the family. Actually, my mom has one. But that wasn't the problem.
It was the starting point of my tumor phase. I was diagnosed with a non-cancerous Meningioma Tumor on the right side of my brain. Now I have to see another specialist. I was put in contact with a neurologist from Henry Ford Hospital.
Now my journey gets rough.