After my wake up, there were plenty of things we haven't planned for. I couldn't talk, walk, stand, eat, sit, or go to the rest room and shower. And my right eye was sore as hell and swelled. So now the road to recovery starts and I had a feeling it wouldn't be easy.
After another week at Henry Ford, I was released but I had to be put in a skilled nursing facility. I was transferred from Henry Ford to Bay City by ambulance horrible ride.
When I got to the facility and got checked in, I let my wife know and she came right up. It was nice that she was only 5 minutes away.
When she arrived, I could see the happiness in her eyes. I think it shocked her when the nurses had to get me into the bed. They used a lift. I couldn't do anything for myself. I still had the pic implanted in my side. It took a couple of weeks to find a doctor who would remove it. We were told we might have to go back to Henrry Ford to have it removed, REALLY? Finally, we found a surgeon to remove it. It took a whole 5 minutes! He said he couldn't believe we had such a hard time trying to find someone to remove it.
Now I am healing from that. My wife kept up with all my needs at the nursing facility. The place was terrible I couldn't wait to leave. When my wife wasn't there, I had to depend on the staff. They took their sweet old time when you needed them. Especially when you had to use the restroom. I was put in adult diapers and given a plastic urinal. I was there 3 weeks. They changed my bedding once.
My wife bought ant traps because there were ants on the floor and in my bedding. I was supposed to have therapy every day. I was lucky if I went twice a week. I would roll my wheelchair to the therapy room, and it would be locked. They always messed up my meals. I would get bananas It was written that I was allergic to bananas. I was supposed to have my food thickened, most of the time it was sent back, and I had to wait to get my meals prepared again. In all I would not recommend that facility to anyone. I asked to be released so I could go home and be with my wife. They said that they would release me, but I still needed physical therapy. and it would be hard on me and my wife. That taking care of me was a lot harder than it looks. Trying to change our minds. But it didn't work. My wife had to get a few things before I went home. She got a shower chair, toilet chair, walker and a wheelchair. Certain foods and some thick-it. Thick-it is a powder that thickens my food and drinks. Slowly over time we decreased the amount I needed. I now can eat food without it but, I still needed it in my drinks. But I am progressing.

This is the great care I received at the skilled nursing home. Bites and rashes on my face and head. My wife had to buy ant traps because there were ants all over, including on my bed. Also, in my clothes drawer.